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Storm flipped my h16 & bent mast
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Author:  Robber [ Mon Sep 04, 2023 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Storm flipped my h16 & bent mast

So we had a terrible wind storm Some tornado action. It flipped my 16 off of the trailer I had in a valley - mast was up. As I sail alone and it makes it a lot easier to sail, put on the sails and back trailer into water with tractor and paddle out and pull up the sails.
Anyway the damaging wind flipped my boat Maybe I was lucky I had it tied off to a tree also or it might have gotten more air and damage. The Mast has about a 3" bow to the left looking head on and maybe an 1" bow towards the back (that is eyeing it).
So being a recreation sailer on a early 80s H16 (redid the hulls over the winter) how much is the bow going to effect the sailing. As I say almost always solo sailing 10 to mid/upper teens winds, don't trapeze, and don't race. Other than it is fun to try to out run a pontoon when I get get a good wind for a few minutes. So I am asking you guys who know much more than I: Do I keep on sailing as long as the sail goes up and down, or once bent the load will continue to bend it more and I need to look for a replacement. Do I try to straighten the mast as I did to my aluminum arrows when I was bow shooting just on a larger scale.
Thanks for your input!

Author:  sxrracer [ Tue Sep 19, 2023 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Storm flipped my h16 & bent mast

have heard of people bending them back, use 2 trees or post to wedge against and slowing push opposite direction to bend the mast back straight. I would do small amounts. Not that I think about it my Ex GF dad did this in his front yard.

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