Hobie Forums

What is the top speed you have hit with your Bravo
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Author:  TBW [ Mon Jun 28, 2021 6:42 pm ]
Post subject:  What is the top speed you have hit with your Bravo

I picked one up last week end.

Got her out for a quick shake down in 5-6 knots of wind, Handled nicely.

This week end wind was all over the place, Saturday was windy and thunderstormy so I waited.

Sunday was windy and gusty- St Lawrence River. Windy.com said 15 knots gusting to 36 knots. Hmm.

So I gave it a try, I am 205. It was nuts. Could not keep the windward hull in the water. Could not control the boat in any meaningful way.

Went back to the beach and reefed to about 2/3 thirds main.

Wicked sail. Windward hull was still wanted to fly, but I was able to make it work.

Hit 10.8 knots on a close reach (maybe a reach). Way faster than I was expecting to go with this boat.

I know there is more speed under the hood, but how much? 12? 14?


Author:  Willmcabee [ Sun Oct 24, 2021 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What is the top speed you have hit with your Bravo

how do you measure exact speed?

Author:  Waiex191 [ Mon Oct 25, 2021 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What is the top speed you have hit with your Bravo

Some people have GPS watches or other GPS based speedometers. My kid has a gopro and we can see the speed afterwards.

Author:  BillFollyBeach [ Wed Jun 15, 2022 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What is the top speed you have hit with your Bravo

3 days ago, I hit 10.8 MPH on 12-14 MPH winds. I know that is not fast because I am new to the Bravo, and somewhat new to sailing. I fully expect to get to 13-14 MPH based on getting more comfortable with the Bravo. The is the 2nd sail with a boom that I had a local guy make. It makes a big difference in sailing into to the wind and tacking.

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