I tried the Yakima Supdawg. Didn’t work out for me…hull down was too wide for both crossbars and hull up I could only get one bar strapped down securely. The other bar being to narrow would either have the Lynx roll back up the roller or have the end cap holding the strap in pop out when wiggling it around. The end cap was press fit plastic so maybe epoxying it in or anchoring it to bar would solve this but for the price paid I do not want to modify it.
This was on a sedan with a fairly narrow crossbar spread though. I could see it working well if the spread was closer to 30”. Rollers were nice for sideloading and it gripped/cushioned well. I don’t think the strap length is long enough to hold 2 of them, though.
Here are some pics of where it was separating. Didn’t take too much effort to remove the end cap and strap once it came apart.