The last post here was in the beginning of December 2022. That's a long time to go without fishing, especially since under what used to be "normal" circumstances, we would have gone kayak fishing dozens of times, maybe more. Things are not "normal" any longer. This winter, the fishing on the lower Colorado River has been just about nonexistent, first due to the extreme low water levels in the Colorado River itself due to the critical lack of water. A record number of extreme weather events on the west coast has temporarily restored this part of the river's water. The key word here is "temporary". The Colorado River is in big trouble.
The main killer of the kayak fishing has been the wind. The Sonoran desert is not a calm place, but over the past three winters, the increase in the amount and velocity has been apparent to everyone. This winter, there has been wind over 10-15 mph every day without a break. 20-30 mph days were common. Wind events would last days at a time, the wind never dropping into the single digits, even at night. Kayak fishing was not even remotely possible for weeks at a time, then months at a time. If this wind trend continues, living here will be very difficult, forget about fishing.
For the first time since last December, we finally got out on the river. Of course, the fishing was great and the river actually had some water in it. Could not help but think how much good fishing was blown away by the relentless desert wind.
Here's the first fish of 2023

A super rare glassy day on the lower Colorado River

Night fishing until the desert wind comes up

Had to yank this big largemouth bass out of the reeds in the blinding sun

The winter season here is almost over, hope to go fishing a few more times, but I don't know...
Waterman at Work - Kayak Fishing Photos, Video,Kayak Rigging -