Two questions along with a progress update:
1. Does anyone have any insight for final bowsprit angle/height after pre-bend? I've aimed to set to spinnaker tack at roughly the same height as the jib tack, but I have the mast set to the lowest rake position I would use in light wind in this pic, so there is some margin to raise the tip. Intermediate bridles are ready for install when I get it figured out.
Here's how the installation turned out.... a 13'8" pole from Ryerson metals (length based roughly on Tornado max) using Nacra internal end fittings and attachments that resembles the trentec pole or a 49er end fitting. I sure hope SLS gets some comparable parts into production, this DIYcat thing is more painful than I expected! A seperate tack line is jury rigged until the RF30721 double exit block arrives (on order for weeks, but still hans't shipped). Ronstan has dwg files, so I went ahead and used the cad dimensions for the exit port in the pole.
2. Can anyone offer insights on sheeting angles? I was advised by Chip at Whirlwind to sheet from the shroud adjusters., which I intend to do, but if anyone has any experience with this, I appreciate the insight on the minutia if there are thoughts to be offered. Red sheaved Ratchamatics are scheduled for delivery tomorrow (apparently most dealers drop-ship such things from Harken which takes forever) for a modern tornado/tiger configuration of sheets, so this test hoist is still using the ratchet blocks on the wings.
I still have to clean up the sheets with a 3mm lead like the tornado guys use. The retrieval wasn't rigged in most of these photos, but it works perfect. I have a fairlead ready for the halyard, I'm going to keep it mast mounted.

On a different note, I aquired a few feet of 14" sch40 PVC pipe off ebay, cut it into 1/3 circmference and heated them at 245 in the oven for about 20 minutes. They spread out perfectly for the hull cradles with a bit of manual flexing. The PVC measured 160F when I was molding it (by hand wearing oven mitts). I added 3/4 neoprene foam from amazon. The rear cradles need to be much wider than the front to pass the widest cross section. I used a belt sander to radius the corners and then a small router to ease the edges.