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 Post subject: Proper MirageDrive Fit
PostPosted: Fri Jun 19, 2009 9:39 am 
Site Admin

Joined: Tue May 27, 2003 12:44 pm
Posts: 15076
Location: Oceanside, California
If Mirage users are having difficulty fitting the MirageDrive into their kayak correctly, the following information can help to explain an easy process for fitting the drive. This is primarily a problem with new users and is possibly complicated by the Drive Seal accessory mounted at the back of the drive.

Correctly Seated MirageDrive

Issue: The MirageDrive must be lowered into the drive well evenly front to back. Tipping the drive forward or aft when lowering can cause it to wedge into the well. Holding the pedals with adjustments far aft or forward causes a potential problem.

MirageDrive Tipped Forward

This is sometimes caused by the added friction of the drive seal mounted at the aft end of the drive. In the worst case, the drive spine will miss the forward ledge and drop below the hull. Tipping the drive aft when this happens can then cause a compression and damage of the aft well wall. Pedaling the drive in this position can also damage the aft fin.

Incorrectly inserted MirageDrive
Note friction caused by the Drive Seal Accessory


Correct installation of the MirageDrive: It may be easier if you place the pedals in a middle adjustment to help identify a "level" drive as it is lowered into the well.

Lower the MirageDrive...level with the well

Another trick is to hold the drive at the base of the pedals from in front or behind them depending on the fore or aft adjustment.

Hold pedals at or near drum center

The MirageDrive is quite simple to mount... when you understand how it fits. Friction caused by the Drive Seal accessory has caused a potential positioning challenge for users as this tips the drive forward. You may consider removal of the drive seal to make initial use of the drive easier. This makes mounting the drive into the hull easier for some users.

Matt Miller
Former - Director of Parts and Accessory Sales
Warranty and Technical Support
Hobie Cat USA
(Retired 11/7/2022)

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