
Photos by Liz Merritt,

People frequently say to me, “Standup paddling looks like a great ‘core’ workout.”

The real fact is that standup paddling, and stand up paddle exercises work all of your 600+ muscles. The connection of your bare feet start to activate the second you stand on a board, that will then transfer straight up the kinetic chain to your other load bearing joints: the knees, hips, shoulders, not to mention every stabilizer muscle you have.

There is quite a bit more than just a ‘core’ workout, that is why SUP is a beneficial, low-impact way of getting exercise for all age levels. I will always add, that even your facial muscles will get conditioned from all the smiling that will happen, naturally. There is an abundance of enjoyment you will receive from a SUP workout!

RELATED: SUP – This is the One!

Many years ago, I realized what a great platform SUP would be for any body weight, strength, or flexibility move. One of my favorite exercise tools is the BOSU Ball, and has been since its inception in 1999. It gave similar instability to what you experience on a SUP. You can try any bodyweight move, but these are a couple of my favorites, with more to come in later articles.

Hamstring Shaft Curls: Lay supine and place both feet on top of the shaft. Lift your hips and roll, or pull, the paddle toward your body with your feet, and then roll it back out. Keep the hips elevated through the entire move. Repeat four sets for 15 repetitions, or cater it to your level of fitness. This move is excellent for hamstrings, calves, feet, and your knees. (*Bonus: Try engaging your toes with this one as you pull it toward your body.)

Article image - SUP: More than the Core
Article image - SUP: More than the Core

Superman Paddle Pass: Start in a prone position with your paddle held straight out in front of you over your head. Lift your chest and thighs and start passing the paddle behind you, reaching with the opposite hand creating a large circle with your arms in one direction for 5 times, then switch directions for 5 more passes. This exercise concentrates on your posterior areas of the legs, behind, back and shoulders. The higher you lift, the more of a contraction you will get. (*Bonus: For advanced and confident individuals, try all of my exercises with your eyes closed for better body awareness.)

SUP Fitness and standup paddling will enhance the overall condition of your body. If you do not have limitations with your exercise or health, SUP exercises are suitable for all ages and levels when done in a safe environment.

Article image - SUP: More than the Core
Article image - SUP: More than the Core